

Mittwoch, 19. April 2017

[Fashion] We do not need Magic: Lumos Charity Shirt, Jeans & Blazer

[Fashion] We do not need Magic: Lumos Charity Shirt, Jeans & Blazer

One of my absolute favourites of the year is this charity shirt, designed by Lumos, a great charity protecting and supporting children in institutions, and I wear it as often as I can. It´s grey so it is really easy to combine. And I just love this quote! 

„We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already." - J. K. Rowling

Today I chose a jeans, a black blazer and beige pumps. I bought the shirt at Represent. This campaign has sadly ended, but keep your eyes open: Maybe they will sell it again! 

[Fashion] We do not need Magic: Lumos Charity Shirt, Jeans & Blazer[Fashion] We do not need Magic: Lumos Charity Shirt, Jeans & Blazer

Shirt: Represent // Jeans: H&M // Blazer: H&M // Pumps: Aliexpress

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