

Dienstag, 21. April 2015

[Outfit] Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots

Auch in meinem heutigen Outfit kommen meine Denim Shorts zum Einsatz. Zusammen mit schwarzen Strumpfhosen (ich friere leider immer noch...), einem süßen Crop Top, einem Blazer und meinen Lieblingsboots ging es ab ins Aprilwetter. 

Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots

In das Crop Top habe ich mich sofort verliebt, als ich es gesehen habe! Ich bin ja ein sehr fantasievoller Mensch und ich liebe die Vorstellung von anderen Welten und Wesen, von denen wir nicht wissen, dass sie existieren. Zum Beispiel Einhörner. Oder Feen. Oder natürlich Meerjungfrauen. 

Play with fairies
Ride a unicorn
Swim with mermaids
Fly to the moon

Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots
Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots
Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots

Wie gefällt euch das Outfit? Wie würdet ihr es kombinieren?

Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots
Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and BootsDenim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots

Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots

Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and BootsDenim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots

Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and BootsDenim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots

Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and BootsDenim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots

Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and BootsDenim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots

Denim Shorts: H&M, ca. 20€ (old, similar herehere and here) // Crop Top: Ebay, ca. 20€ (same here) // Blazer: Benetton, ca. 40€ (old, similar here) // Strumpfhosen: NoName, ca. 3€ (old) // Boots: Deichmann, ca. 30€ (old, similar here and here) //


Hello Loves,

in todays outfit I´ve combined my denim shorts with black tights, boots, a super cute crop top and a beige blazer. 

Denim Shorts, Crop Top, Blazer, Tights and Boots

I really love fantasy and the imagination of different worlds and creatures where we don´t know that they exists. Like unicorns. And fairies and mermaids. As I saw this cute crop top with the inscription:

Play with fairies
Ride a unicorn
Swim with mermaids
Fly to the moon

I simply had to buy it! And I love it! 

Do you like the outfit? 

Denim Shorts: H&M, ca. 20€ (old, similar herehere and here) // Crop Top: Ebay, ca. 20€ (same here) // Blazer: Benetton, ca. 40€ (old, similar here) // Strumpfhosen: NoName, ca. 3€ (old) // Boots: Deichmann, ca. 30€ (old, similar here and here) //

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